Reports that “Twitter Can Censor by Country” is a perfect example of how the world is changing the Internet. Change is a two-way street. Conventional wisdom that only assumes the Internet is changing the world risks being blind-sided by the Internet’s underappreciated exa-trend: how the world is changing the Internet.

See my Forbes Tech Capitalist post: “Twitter Realpolitik & the Sovereignization of the Internet” to learn about Twitter’s new realpolitik and how sovereign powers will increasingly be asserting themselves vis a vis the Internet.


Since most people focus on how the Internet is changing the world, few focus on the reverse — how much the world is changing the Internet.
See My Forbes Tech Capitalist blog post to learn the “Seven Ways the World is Changing the Internet.

The kerfuffle that paints the Google Wallet App as an innocent victim of Verizon blocking — in violation of an “open” Internet and net neutrality regulations — completely misses the forest for the trees. This conflict revolves around two ongoing industry battles.

To see what this kerfuffle is really all about, read my Forbes Tech Capitalist post Android’s Pickpocket Behind Google Wallet.

The likely passage of online anti-piracy legislation (SOPA/PIPA) in 2012 has put a spotlight on the substantial ad-based business interests aligned with piracy and against piracy enforcement.

See my Forbes Tech Capitalist post to learn why Grand Theft Auto-mated is such big business and so anti-piracy enforcement.


See my Forbes Tech Capitalist post “The Next Leg of Wireless Growth? here.